The principal's task as a school leader has a very vital role in running an effective organization to guide and direct his subordinates, especially students. The way to successfully teach respect and responsibility, it needs to be supported by values-based leadership behavior from education stakeholders in schools. Valuebased leadership is a leader who is consistent or loyal to the values, organizational culture and individuals. The purpose of this study is to describe the values and leadership culture applied by the principal in the internalization process and the implications of this application. The subjects of this research were the Principal of Darul Qur'an Middle School, Deputy Head of Curriculum Division, teachers and students of Darul Qur'an Middle School. Collecting data through interviews, observations and document studies. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data display and data verification. The results of the study indicate that the principal establishes policies in accordance with the school's vision, mission and goals through deliberation. The deliberation activity shows the behavior of a participative and supportive leader with leadership traits that are often shown by school principals, namely shiddiq, amanah, tabligh and fathonah traits. The leadership values instilled by the principal are the values of discipline, tolerance, fairness and religion. The form of application of the principal's leadership values is reflected in planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising activities. The impact of implementing leadership values is a change in value agreement, the formation of organizational culture and the formation of individual habits.