Background: Stress factors are one of the elements that affect yield in agricultural production and salinity stress is one of the most important stress factors. Pea is an important source of nutrient for human nutrition, as well as a very important legume plant that used as animal feed. Methods: The experiment, which was set up according to factorial arrangement in random plots, was carried out with 10 replications and a forage pea line was used. Seven different (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300%) salt concentrations and two different bacterial strains (Bacillus sp. and Arthrobacter agilis) were used in the study. In the study, the effects of different bacterial strains on germination percentage (%), germination rate (days), average daily germination (%), peak value (%) and germination value (%) in pea line exposed to salt were investigated.
Result: In the study, it was found that bacterial applications in salt stress were statistically significant in all parameters. It was determined that Bacillus sp. strain was more effective for germination percentage and germination rate. 50 mM salt + bacteria applications of the studied genotype and Bacillus sp. and Arthrobacter agilis strains were found to have positive effects on seed germination biology under salt stress.