“…Examples of a reproductive conception of learning are phrases like: learning as an 'increase of knowledge' (Säljö, 1979), 'remembering and keeping something in mind' (Eklund-Mirskog, 1998) and 'learning as reducing deficient knowledge through individual effort' (Vezzani & Miniati, 2010). On the other hand, for a constructive conception of learning, knowledge is generated by self-involvement through understanding of information and coconstruction as well sharing of meaningful knowledge (Entwistle & Peterson, 2004) that involves the use of metacognitive and strategic approaches to studying (Vermunt & Vermetten, 2004), and is linked to successful academic results (Alamdarloo, Moradi, & Dehshiri, 2013). Examples of a constructive conception of learning are phrases like: learning as 'a co-constructive and cultural process', 'personal challenge, self-efficacy and personal growth' (Vezzani & Miniati, 2010), learning as 'abstraction of meaning' and learning as 'an interpretative process aimed at the understanding of reality' (Säljö, 1979), 'getting a new perspective ' (Eklund-Mirskog, 1998).…”