Current theories suggest the the main cause of the temperature changes in Earth surface along the geological time, seems to be, as a concensus, the anomalous concentration of CO 2 , CH 4 and other gases in the terrestrial atmosphere. There are however divergences about the origin of these gases which are the main responsables for the greenhouse effect.This study discusses questions about the global climate changes in the geological past, commenting the mass-extinction periods of the Permian-Triassic (P/Tr) and Cretaceous/Tertiary (C/T) boundaries. The relationship between unusual high CO 2 levels in the atmosphere and mass-extinction events is commented. The origin of the greenhouse gases are attributed to: a) extensive outgassing of volatiles through of large volcanic events, or b) asteroid or cometary impact by bodies ranging up to 10 Km in diameters, or c) marine and terrestrial organic production by living organisms.Climatic changes have been detected in all the geological records, from Precambrian to Cenozoic. Tillites and varvites in Gondwana are features of Proterozoic and Paleozoic ice ages. The Mesozoic, on the other hand, had a global warm climate, exhibiting generally high level sea and low thermal variation between the poles and the equator. The Mesozoic continental geologic records in Gondwana are consequence of this arid climate, and the sedimentary rocks are mainly red-beds seguences or other related with arid/ semi-arid environments.The relationship between the climate, geological records and paleogeographical aspects in the Mesozoic Central-South Gondwana are presented, focussing the NNE border of the Paraná and the Southern Sanfranciscana basins, which occur in the western part of Minas Gerais state. The Parecis Basin that occurs in Mato Grosso State is also mentioned.These basins show sequences of varied rock types -volcanic and sedimentary ones -, and exhibit ages ranging from early to late Cretaceous.Other important paleogeographic feature studied occurs as a strip of intensely deformed Precambrian rocks forming a NW-SE tectonic arch, preserved as a succession of thrust slices. This is known as Alto do Paranaíba Arch or Alto do Paranaíba Anteclesis, (Ladeira et al. 1971, Grossi Sad et al 1971, a regional structure related with the emplacement of the Cretaceous Paraná and Sanfranciscana basins. O Mesozóico, tema do presente trabalho, também deixou profundas impressões no Brasil. Como um todo, pode ser caracterizado por uma época de clima predominantemente quente, com níveis marinhos altos e pouca variação térmica entre o equador e os polos, se comparado com as condições atuais. O registro geológico continental observado em parte do Brasil corrobora esta suposição climática, apesar das dificuldades inerentes ao estudo destas rochas, ao contrário daquelas crono-correlatas presentes em nossas bacias costeiras. As dificuldades devem-se, dentre outros fatores, à restrita importância econômica destas rochas, ao seu registro fragmentário, ao geralmente alto grau de alteração intempérica além...