Four barley lines have been selected from 40,000 M 2 plants derived from sodium azide-treated seeds of the high [3-glucan cultivar Minerva, on the basis of low viscosity of acid extracts of flour. Two lines show a minor decrease in total ~-glucan content, and two lines are low in total [3-glucan, exhibit rapid endosperm modification and display a mealy endosperm. The thickness of the endosperm cell walls in the low [~-glucan mutants is 3.0-3.5/am compared with 6.5 lam for the parent variety Minerva. One of the low B-glucan mutants, has increased 13-glucanase activity which might partly explain the increased rate of its modification during malting. The other mutant, M-737, has approximately the same amount of [~-glucanase as Minerva and appears to be a genuine low [3-glucan mutant. Malting studies confirmed the important role of endosperm cell walls as a barrier for enzyme dissemination.