Objective: To evaluate the changes in knee range of motion (ROM) and torque of knee flexor and extensor muscles after an active eccentric stretching program for the knee flexor muscles. Methods: Thirty-four volunteers (23 women and 11 men), aged 34.42±9.3 years, performed an active eccentric stretching program for the knee flexor muscles in the standing posture, consisting of seven repetitions of one minute each, with 30 seconds of resting between them. The stretching program was performed twice a week, for four weeks. Knee extension ROM and the torque of the knee flexor and extensor muscles were evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer before and after the stretching program. The torque was evaluated in the isometric, isokinetic concentric and eccentric modes at 30°/s and 60°/s. Results: There was an increase in ROM from 53.7±13° to 30.1±16° (p=0.0001), in isometric torque of the flexors from 89±32Nm to 93±33Nm (p=0.01) and of the extensors from 178±67Nm to 187±73Nm (p=0.006). The concentric and eccentric torque of the flexors at 30°/s increased from 90±31Nm to 96±31Nm (p=0.001) and from 100±34Nm to 105±35Nm (p=0.01), respectively.The concentric torque of the extensors at 60°/s increased from 144±51Nm to 151±58Nm (p=0.02), and the eccentric torque at 30°/s increased from 175±71Nm to 189±73Nm (p=0.01). Conclusions: The stretching program proposed was effective for increasing the flexibility of the stretched muscles and the torque of the agonist (stretched) muscle groups and their antagonists.Key words: active eccentric stretching; flexibility; torque; ROM; knee flexors.
ResumoObjetivo: Avaliar a amplitude de movimento (ADM) e o torque flexor e extensor do joelho apĂłs a realização de um programa de alongamento ativo excĂȘntrico dos mĂșsculos flexores do joelho. Materiais e mĂ©todos: Trinta e quatro voluntĂĄrios (23 mulheres e 11 homens), 34,42±9,3 anos, realizaram um programa de alongamento ativo excĂȘntrico dos mĂșsculos flexores do joelho na postura em pĂ©, que consistiu de sete repetiçÔes de um minuto com 30 segundos de descanso entre as repetiçÔes. O programa de alongamento foi realizado duas vezes por semana, durante quatro semanas. A ADM de extensĂŁo e o torque flexor e extensor do joelho foram avaliados no dinamĂŽmetro isocinĂ©tico prĂ© e pĂłs-programa de alongamento. O torque foi avaliado nos modos isomĂ©trico e isocinĂ©tico concĂȘntrico e excĂȘntrico a 30°/s e 60°/s. Resultados: Houve aumento na ADM de 53,7±13° para 30,1±16° (p=0,0001), no torque isomĂ©trico flexor de 89±32Nm para 93±33Nm (p=0,01) e extensor de 178±67Nm para 187±73Nm (p=0,006). O torque flexor concĂȘntrico e excĂȘntrico a 30°/s aumentou de 90±31Nm para 96±31Nm (p=0,001) e de 100±34Nm para 105±35Nm (p=0,01), respectivamente. O torque extensor concĂȘntrico a 60°/s aumentou de 144±51Nm para 151±58Nm (p=0,02) e o excĂȘntrico a 30°/s de 175±71Nm para 189±73Nm (p=0,01).ConclusĂ”es: O programa de alongamento proposto foi efetivo para aumentar a flexibilidade dos mĂșsculos alongados e torque dos grupos musculares agonistas (alongados) e seus antagonistas.Pala...