Abstract. We develop the theories of the strong commutator, the rectangular commutator, the strong rectangular commutator, as well as a solvability theory for the nonmodular TC commutator. These theories are used to show that each of the following sets of statements are equivalent for a variety V of algebras.(I) (a) V satisfies a nontrivial congruence identity. throughout V. We prove that a residually small variety that satisfies a congruence identity is congruence modular.
IntroductionThis monograph is concerned with the relationships between Maltsev conditions, commutator theories and the shapes of congruence lattices in varieties of algebras.
Shapes of Congruence LatticesCarl F. Gauss, in [23], introduced the notationwhich is read as "a is congruent to b modulo m", to mean that the integers a and b have the same remainder upon division by the integer modulus m, equivalently that a − b ∈ mZ. As the notation suggests, congruence modulo m is an equivalence relation on Z. It develops that congruence modulo m is compatible with the ring operations of Z, and that the only equivalence relations on Z that are compatible with the ring operations are congruences modulo m for m ∈ Z. Richard Dedekind conceived of a more general notion of "integer", which nowadays we call an ideal in a number ring. Dedekind extended the notation (1.1) towhere a, b ∈ C and µ ⊆ C; (1.2) is defined to hold if a − b ∈ µ. Dedekind called a subset µ ⊆ C a module if it could serve as the modulus of a congruence, i.e., if this relation of congruence modulo µ is an equivalence relation on C. This happens precisely when µ is closed under subtraction. For Dedekind, therefore, a "module" was an additive subgroup of C. The set of Dedekind's modules is closed under the operations of intersection and sum. These two operations make the set of modules into a lattice. Dedekind proposed and investigated the problem of determining the identities of this lattice (the "laws of congruence arithmetic"). In 1900, in [13], he published the discovery that if α, β, γ ⊆ C are modules, then (1.3) α ∩ (β + (α ∩ γ)) = (α ∩ β) + (α ∩ γ).