“…However, supplier's credit and assurance of discounts for earlier payment allow to employ this measure Boissay (2004) Receivables determine information asymmetries among companies, suppliers and banks Lamminmaki, Leitch (2011) Receivables refer to a sales policy measure that allows to attract new customers Snieška, Drakšaitė (2013) Receivables allow to reduce transaction costs in case of frequent purchases Owusu-Manu et al (2014) Receivables provide an access to capital for construction contractors globally and is an important source of finance in both developed and developing countries Chludek (2011) Employment of receivables has some cost saving advantages; receivables offer flexibility (by offering the possibility to pay invoices flexibly within a certain time frame, trade credit use improves cash flow synchronisation, in this way reducing the (opportunity) costs of paying and managing invoices); receivables are generally automatically granted at purchase by the supplier's general terms and conditions, so that financing is directly available at purchase, thereby avoiding the transaction costs associated with the procurement of other funds; receivables serve as implicit quality insurance because the customer can inspect the quality of delivered goods or services during the net period, verifying quality before payment. Badu et al (2012) Employment of receivables serves as a financial intermediation device whereby construction vendors act as financial providers to their customers through deferred payments of goods purchased Norvaišienė, Stankevičienė (2012) Receivables promote customers' trust in an enterprise and speak about the ability of this enterprise to operate flexibly Boden, Paul (2014) Managed effectively, receivables can confer competitive advantage in terms of information and signalling, customer relationships and financing of working capital Han et al (2013) Receivables (or trade credits), as one off substitution, give another access to SME finance Nobanee, Abraham (2015) Receivables are used as a sales policy measure; they allow to adjust sensitivity of working capital management to the conditions of market imperfection…”