Smartphone overdependence (SO) in mothers of preschoolers (MPs) reduces the parenting capacity of MPs. The current study aimed to identify associated factors of SO in MPs through a systematic review and meta-analysis conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines using 10 electronic databases. A total of 18 studies met the inclusion criteria. It was confirmed that SO in MPs is a coping strategy used to manage stress during childrearing. Parenting stress, depression, unemployment, and low household income were identified as risk factors that increased SO in MPs. Protective factors that reduced SO in MPs included resilience and parental intelligence. Findings emphasize the need to assess risk factors to prevent SO in MPs. It is suggested that programs to prevent SO in MPs be developed based on results of this study. [
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 60
(3), 40–47.]