Sponsorship has been one of the fastest growing marketing platforms in recent decades, yet while marketing expenditures generally are being increasingly subjected to the requirement and discipline of accountability, it would seem that sponsorship practice behaves as if impervious to this changed climate. Considering both the extent to which business fails to measure sponsorship effectiveness at all and where measured, the problematic nature of the metrics employed, it is probably an understatement to conclude that a "measurement deficit" exists in sponsorship. This paper proposes a critique of current practice in the evaluation of sponsorship effectiveness and in particular examines in detail inherent problems arising from the use of the two main metrics currently employed by the industry, "Media Exposure" and "Sponsorship Awareness." It illustrates the latitude provided by these metrics and the variability of outcomes that can be extracted from their use or in some cases potential abuse. Such latitude in conceptualization and application can extend to having the same sponsorship program receive quite radically different evaluations based on the same raw data. This raises serious questions about the credibility and effectiveness of current sponsorship measurement. The paper further suggests that in order to secure the future of sponsorship and exploit its competitive media advantage, there is a need for the industry to reposition itself in terms of delivering brand experience, engagement, and involvement rather than mere exposure. C 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Sponsorship is talking about the wrong stuff and some of the stories are juvenile. It's trying to compete with traditional media with the old-fashioned metrics, and it's going to lose.
Kevin Roberts, CEO, Worldwide of Saatchi & SaatchiRecent years have seen marketing expenditures being increasingly subjected to the requirement and discipline of accountability. One might argue that the mindset necessitated by this requirement has been one of the most significant recent changes in marketing practice and thought. Clear testimony of the changed climate is the requirement for the evaluation of marketing performance, application of Return on Investment (ROI), and Return on Objectives (ROO), analysis to marketing expenditures, development of a range of new marketing metrics and the use of marketing analytics, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and dashboards. Within the broad field of marketing communication, appropriate metrics have been established to enable the critical evaluation of investments in most areas of the communications mix, though the adoption of suitable metrics for some platforms remains problematic.