Abstract:One of the by-products of corn processing which can succesfully be used in poultry nutrition is livestock meal. In this trial corn meal was investigated, meal in two form: non-extruded (T1 and T2) and extruded (T3 and T4) as a replacement of cracked corn (K) in the amount of 100% (T1 and T3) and 50% (T2 and T4). Investigation was carried out in 4 repetitions, 75 chickens of Arbor Acres x Ross 308 hybrid in each group. Trial lasted 42 days. Chickens were fed three standard mixtures (starter, grower and finisher).Investigation demonstrated that group of chickens of treatment T3 realized the best final body masses (2254g), followed by chickens in treatment T4 (2173g), chickens of group T2 (2112g), K group (2106 g), and the worst results were established in chickens of group T1 (2103g). It was established that differences in final body mass of chickens from group T3 in relation to chickens from groups T1, T2, T4 and were statistically highly significant (P<0,001). Statistically significant differences (P<0,05) were established between body masses of chickens from group T4 in relation to T1, T2 and K group. Mortality of chickens was as followes: K-3,64%, T1-2,50%, and T2-5,00%, T3-6,39%, and T4-3,33%. Feed conversion in all investigated groups was almost identical (K-1,91; T2-,93; T3-1,93; T4-1,94) with the exception of T1 with 1,97. In regard to production index (PI), the best results were realized by group of chickens T3 (261), followed by chickens T4 (258), K (253), and the worst results were established in chickens of groups T1 (248) and T2 (248).