Zhou, J. M. and Huang, P. M. 2006. Kinetics and mechanisms of monoammonium phosphate-induced potassium release from selected potassium-bearing minerals. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86: 799-811. A high concentration of phosphate in the immediate vicinity of the phosphate fertilizer zone of soil could induce K release from K-bearing minerals to soil solution. In this study, the kinetics of K release by monoammonium phosphate (NH 4 H 2 PO 4 ) from biotite, muscovite, and microcline were investigated. The results indicate that K release from all of these minerals was promoted by 1 M NH 4 H 2 PO 4 (pH 4.0). The release of K from these minerals can be described by the zero-order rate equation. The rate coefficients of K released from the minerals (2-5 µm) in 1 M NH 4 H 2 PO 4 solution ranged from 0.20 to 2.09 mg kg -1 h -1 at 25°C and from 1.22 to 9.00 mg kg -1 h -1 at 45°C, respectively. The amount of K release from the same mineral samples in 1 M NH 4 Cl solution (pH 4.0) at 25°C was not detectable and was too low to be determined accurately at 45°C. The differences in the rate of NH 4 H 2 PO 4 -induced K release from the different minerals were explained by the chemical composition, crystal structure, and the crystallization sequence of the minerals. The activation energies of the phosphate-induced K release from these minerals ranged from 37 to 72 kJ mol -1 and the pre-exponential factor values (Arrhenius equation) ranged from 1.2 × 10 6 to 7.2 × 10 11 mg kg -1 h -1 . The examination of the phosphate-reacted minerals shows the formation of crystalline NH 4 -taranakite in the muscovite and microcline systems and noncrystalline products in the biotite system. The absence of the formation of crystalline NH 4 -taranakite in the biotite system is attributed to the Fe perturbation. These data indicate that the major mechanism of NH 4 H 2 PO 4 -induced K release from the K-bearing minerals was the combined effect of phosphate and protons on the alteration of minerals. Therefore, the K-supplying rate of soils in the immediate vicinity of fertilizer zones may be enhanced through phosphate fertilization. . Une concentration élevée de phosphate à proximité immédiate de la zone où l'on dépose les engrais phosphatés pourrait déclencher la libération de potassium des minéraux qui en renferment dans la solution de sol. Dans le cadre de cette étude, les auteurs ont examiné la cinétique d'une telle libération, engendrée par du phosphate d'ammonium diacide (NH 4 H 2 PO 4 ) dans de la biotite, de la muscovite et de la microcline. Les résultats indiquent que le NH 4 H 2 PO 4 1 M (pH 4,0) libère du K de ces minéraux. On peut décrire ce phénomène au moyen d'une équation d'ordre zéro exprimant le taux de libération. Les coefficients du taux de libération du K par ces minéraux (2 à 5 µm) dans une solution de NH 4 H 2 PO 4 1 M varient de 0,20 à 2,09 mg par kg et par heure à 25°C et de 1,22 à 9,00 mg par kg et par heure à 45°C, respectivement. La quantité de K libérée par les mêmes échantillons dans la solution de NH 4 H 2 PO 4 1 M (pH 4,0) à 25°C n...