Since 4 major diseases and geriatric diseases require consistent management, individuals with any of these diseases cannot live alone and need caregivers’ assistance. Given these characteristics, an integrative medical service model for 4 major diseases and geriatric diseases was developed in Korea, currently. Dementia, one of the typical geriatric diseases, requires caregivers’ assistance from the beginning because of its enormous burden. Thus, it is necessary to provide an integrative medical service that can improve the quality of life (QoL) for both patients and caregivers. Therefore, this study aims to collect various feedback by applying an integrative medical service, which was developed to improve the QoL in patients with dementia and their caregivers, to a single case, and to modify and improve the integrative medical service model based on the results.
The integrative medical service program, which was developed to improve the QoL in patients with dementia and their caregivers in Korea, will be used for a patient-caregiver pair. This is an observational study with quantitative and qualitative feedback from various viewpoints. The program will be conducted in 8 sessions (twice a week, within 120 minutes). The patient will receive both Western and Korean medicine, and an integrative service will be provided to improve cognitive rehabilitation and QoL. Feedback collected at each session will be reflected on the program of the subsequent session.
This study will then modify and improve the program with feedback and provide integrative medical services to a patient with dementia and caregiver.
Patients with dementia need a program that would help them maintain cognitive function, and caregivers need a program that would improve their QoL by reducing the caregiving burden. This study is unique because the developed program is performed after modification based on feedback from the previous session. Accordingly, the patient and caregiver can check which program is the most satisfactory and helpful in improving their QoL. We expect that this study can modify the integrative medical service model to the optimized patient-based model. This study can also be used as basic data for a clinical pathway development study that applies the modified model to medical institutes.