Inappropriate and unnecessary implant therapy driven by an erroneous belief that dental implants provide enhanced function and esthetics over diseased or failing teeth has led to a growing burden of implant complications across the globe. Specifically, esthetic and biological complications frequently lead to the unfavorable prognosis of dental implants. Often, these cannot be managed predictably to improve the condition or satisfy patients' demands. In such circumstances, implant removal needs to be considered. Currently, minimally invasive methods based on reverse torque engineering are key to preserve peri‐implant soft and hard tissues. Implant replacement is now feasible, as evidenced by the high survival rates of implants placed at previously failed sites. Notwithstanding these data, clinicians should still consider carefully the expendability of an implant and whether its replacement will satisfy the prosthetic, biomechanical, and esthetic demands of the patient. In the scenario where future implant placement is desired, protocols undertaken for soft/hard tissue grafting and implant placement should be based upon defect morphology and soft and hard‐tissue characteristics. Currently, however, a lack of knowledge of the biological events and dimensional changes that arise following implant removal renders decision‐making complex and challenging, and recommendations remain largely based upon empirical speculation. This chapter will review the indications for implant replacement for prosthetic, biomechanical, and esthetic complications, alongside considerations in decision‐making, planning, implementation, and outcomes of implant replacement.