Converting enzyme inhibition in mild and moderate essential hypertension. I. Acta Med Scand 1985; 218: 435-42.some authors to be proportional to the prevailing plasma concentrations of angiotensin I1 (4-7), whereas others have failed to find such a relationship (8,9). Maintenance therapy often leads to further reductions in blood pressure which in some studies have been shown to be correlated to the pretreatment levels of angiotensin I1 or renin (10-12), but not in others (7,9,(13)(14)(15). The evidence for involvement of bradykinin in the hypotensive action Abbreviations: ACE = angiotensin converting enzyme, PRC = plasma concentration of renin, PRSC = plasma concentration of renin substrate, PA1 = plasma concentration of angiotensin I, PA11 = plasma concentration of angiotensin 11, BBK = blood concentration of bradykinin, DBP = diastolic blood pressure, MAP = mean arterial pressure, HR = heart rate.