Replication of the IncB miniplasmid pMU720 requires synthesis of the replication initiator protein, RepA, whose translation is coupled to that of a leader peptide, RepB. The unusual feature of this system is that translational coupling in repBA has to be activated by the formation of a pseudoknot immediately upstream of the repA Shine-Dalgarno sequence. A small antisense RNA, RNAI, controls replication of pMU720 by interacting with repBA mRNA to inhibit expression of repA both directly, by preventing formation of the pseudoknot, and indirectly, by inhibiting translation of repB. The mechanism of translational coupling in repBA was investigated using the specialized ribosome system, which directs a subpopulation of ribosomes that carry an altered anti-Shine-Dalgarno sequence to translate mRNA molecules whose Shine-Dalgarno sequences have been altered to be complementary to the mutant anti-Shine-Dalgarno sequence. Our data indicate that translation of repA involves reinitiation by the ribosome that has terminated translation of repB. The role of the pseudoknot in this process and its effect on the control of copy number in pMU720 are discussed. pMU720, a miniplasmid derived from a large, low-copynumber, conjugative plasmid pMU707, belongs to incompatibility group B (14). Its basic replicon consists of a 3.25-kb DNA fragment that encodes the functions necessary for autonomous replication and control of copy number. The frequency of replication of pMU720 depends on the expression of the repA gene, whose product is required for initiation of replication. Expression of repA is negatively regulated at the translational level by a 71-base antisense RNA, RNAI, which is transcribed from the noncoding strand of the DNA helix that encodes the leader region of repA mRNA (28,29). Interaction of RNAI with stem-loop I (SLI), its complementary region in repA mRNA, results in inhibition of translation of this mRNA (28,34).The translation initiation region (TIR) of repA is sequestered within a stable secondary structure, stem-loop III (SLIII) (Fig. 1). This prevents the binding of ribosomes to the TIR, blocking the independent initiation of repA translation. Consequently, translation of repA has to be activated by ribosomes translating and correctly terminating a polypeptide encoded by an upstream gene, repB (29). It is the process of repB translation per se, rather than the amino acid composition of this leader peptide, that is important for activation of repA translation (29). Unfolding of SLIII by ribosomes translating and terminating repB facilitates formation of a pseudoknot immediately upstream of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence (SD) of repA. The pseudoknot, which forms by base pairing between two complementary sequences, one in the loop of SLI (the proximal sequence) and the other adjacent to the repA SD (the distal sequence), is an essential enhancer of translation of repA, and its positioning vis-à-vis the SD of repA is critical for activity. Insertion of as few as 6 bases between the pseudoknot and the SD abolished activatio...