The application of a humane endpoint (HE) for mice in vaccine trials and further challenging tasks with lethal samples is necessary to reduce or prevent pain and suffering in these animals, and is a refinement of the 3R policy enforced for animal testing in both national and international scenarios. In order to investigate the application of HE in Brazil, researchers from the vaccine sector have answered a questionnaire about their research profile, their usage of HE and their knowledge of its defining criteria, monitoring of animals, staff training, and euthanasia methods employed. The main results revealed that researchers failed to recognise the very concept of HE as well as when to apply it. In addition, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) failed upon giving their approval to the trials. HE is an important refinament of animal testing policy, and these results highlight the need for a clear pre-established definition of when and how it should be implemented in order to ensure more effective application. Furthermore, it is important to clarify the ethics involved and the commitment of both the research teams and IACUCs to animal welfare.