Basety is a French semantic database of exemplars of 21 categories of objects, with a typicality index associated with each exemplar. These 21 semantic categories are animals, trees, weapons, buildings, flowers, fruits, insects, instruments of music, games, toys, vegetables, mammals, furniture, birds, tools, fish, occupation, containers, sports, vehicles, and clothes. Basety was made up with two groups of 18-to-30 years old French participants, a first group of three subgroups of 100 participants producing exemplars for 7 x 3 categories while a second group of 80 participants evaluating membership of these exemplars. Typicality was computed as the number of occurrences of the exemplar within the set of the five exemplars participants were first producing. Cronbach's coefficient of reliability indicates an internally consistent scale and number of exemplars is correlated with membership ratings: the more the participants of the first group produced exemplars, the more the participants of the second group agreed on the degree of membership of these exemplars. BASETY appears to be a consistent and valid database for French semantic research.