In many yeast species, including Kluyveromyces lactis, growth on certain sugars (such as galactose, raffinose, and maltose) occurs only under respiratory conditions. If respiration is blocked by inhibitors, mutation, or anaerobiosis, growth does not take place. This apparent dependence on respiration for the utilization of certain sugars has often been suspected to be associated with the mechanism of the sugar uptake step. We hypothesized that in many yeast species, the permease activities for these sugars are not sufficient to ensure the high substrate flow that is necessary for fermentative growth. By introducing additional sugar permease genes, we have obtained K. lactis strains that were capable of growing on galactose and raffinose in the absence of respiration. High dosages of both the permease and maltase genes were indeed necessary for K. lactis cells to grow on maltose in the absence of respiration. These results strongly suggest that the sugar uptake step is the major bottleneck in the fermentative assimilation of certain sugars in K. lactis and probably in many other yeasts.Kluyveromyces lactis and many other yeast species can grow on galactose and certain oligosaccharides (such as raffinose and maltose) aerobically, but they cannot grow on these sugars anaerobically or in the absence of respiration (15,18,19,35). Assimilation of these carbon sources occurs only under respiring conditions. The phenomenon has been known by the classical name of the Kluyver effect. The kind of sugars involved varies depending on the species and sometimes on the strains within a species. Although the reason for this apparent dependence on respiration for the assimilation of certain sugars is not clear, the phenomenon does appear to be brought about by the interplay of several factors involving lowered rate of transport and metabolism of certain sugars (4). Saccharomyces cerevisiae generally does not show this phenomenon (Kluyver effect negative), although K. lactis and S. cerevisiae seem to use similar pathways to metabolize galactose, raffinose, and maltose.In the present work we show that, by introducing additional Saccharomyces sugar permease genes, K. lactis cells can be released from their dependence on respiration for the assimilation of galactose and raffinose. High dosages of both permease and maltase genes were indeed necessary for K. lactis cells to grow on maltose in the absence of respiration.
MATERIALS AND METHODSStrains, media, and growth conditions. K. lactis strains used in this study were PM4-4B (MAT␣ ade1 ade2 uraA), PM1-11B (MATa metA uraA lys arg rag2), P11-1D (uraA lys his2-2 lac12-230), P11-1A (lys his2-2 LAC12), 11D304 ), JBD100 (MAT␣ trp1 ura3-100 lac4-1), JBD100/M3 (MAT␣ trp1 ura3-100 lac4-1 cyt1 [16]), and JA6 (MAT␣ ade1 ade2 trp1 uraA [9]). The P11-1D lac12 mutant was obtained by sporulation of the P11 diploid constructed by crossing the original mutant 11D304 lac12 (32) with a ura3 LAC12 strain, PM1-11B. As described for the 11D304 lac12 strain (32), the lac12 mutant P11-1D is able to grow on ...