Fixed implant-supported prosthesis for the edentulous maxilla has gained tremendous popularity over the years. Multiple prosthetic designs have been introduced in order to accommodate a gamut of clinical situations. Irrespective of the design, it is paramount that the esthetics imparted by the prosthesis be uncompromised. Though esthetics is subjective, a common ground exists where all its fundamental principles converge. This article reviews pertinent dental and facial esthetics literature for application of various esthetic concepts involved in diagnosis and treatment planning for an implant-supported fixed prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla. Three-dimensional esthetic analysis involves assessment of various esthetic parameters in superior-inferior, medial-lateral, and anterior-posterior dimensions. The impact of various esthetic parameters such as facial forms, facial profiles, maxillary teeth positions, maxillary teeth proportions, smile lines, lip support, gingival display, facial midline, dental midline, horizontal cant, and smile width are discussed in detail.