A residential college in a public university is a secondary learning centre for undergraduates and also a place for them to rest. Developing a comfortable and conducive residential college can provide a better life quality to undergraduates. For students with disabilities (SWD), a residential college facility that is conducive is required for them to carry out their daily lives with ease. The weakness of providing a residential college that is unconducive will lead to discomfort among residents and this may give bad effects on the learning process and the life quality of disabled undergraduates hence compromising the concept of sustainability of the residential college. This research paper is conducted to explore the characteristics of a conducive residential college needed for students with disabilities from their perspective as residents of a residential college at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. This research used the qualitative method and data collected from 10 students with various disabilities. The results of this research have shown several characteristics of a residential college needed for students with disabilities which are security, comfortability, the environment around the college and basic facilities. This research can help policymakers and the higher management of Malaysian public universities in terms of the need for a conducive, inclusive and friendly residential college for students with disabilities to shape sustainable academic development.