All permanent or progressive muscle contractile impairments (including advanced aging-related muscle strength decline) need permanent management. A homebased physical exercise approach may be helpful. Development of implantable devices for muscle stimulation and of electroceuticals, as effective as pace-makers for cardiac arrhythmias or cochlear implants for hearing loss are still in the future and education of hospitalized patients to take-home physical exercise managements is an effective low cost alternative. Frail elderly people due to advanced age or associated diseases are often hospitalized for long periods of time. In the hospital, their already modest amount of daily physical activity is further reduced, contributing to limit their independence to enable them to leave their beds. Inspired by the proven capability to recover skeletal muscle contractility and strength by home-based Functional Electrical Stimulation even in the worse cases of neuromuscular traumatic injuries, but, guided by common sense, we suggest a short (15-20 minutes) daily routine of twelve easy-to-perform physical exercises that may be performed in bed (Full-body In-Bed Gym). If borderline sedentary persons challenge themselves, within a few days of inpatient care, the Full-body In-Bed Gym may increase muscle strength, fatigue resistance and independence in daily life activities. In surgical units, this will permit standing of patients soon after the surgery, a mandatory measure to prevent risk of thromboembolism. Full-body In-Bed Gym helps also to mitigate the bad mood that many times accompanies mobility limitations, strengthening patients' confidence in recovering partial or total independence. Continued regularly, Full-body In-Bed Gym may help to maintain the independence of frail older people and to reduce the risks of the possible serious consequences of accidental falls. Take home message: For a long-term resting muscle the most important event is the first active muscle contraction. To transform you from a sedentary, overweight, depressed person into a more active senior, there is no need of personal trainers or devices. Read here, please, watch the video and secure a better life.