1. The mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve has been studied using extracellular micro‐electrode recording and the constituent cell types identified.
2. Two types of unit were found, namely, muscle spindle first order afferents of ipsilateral jaw‐closing muscles and mechanoreceptor afferents of ipsilateral maxillary and mandibular teeth.
3. No evidence was found for representation of extra‐ocular muscle stretch receptors, of temporo‐mandibular joint receptors or of tendon organs of jaw muscles.
4. Spindle units of each of the jaw‐closing muscles were recorded in all parts of the nucleus and there was no evidence of their segregation according to muscle of origin.
5. Attempts to classify spindle units by their dynamic response to ramp stretches, their following of high frequency vibration and their interspike interval variability at constant length gave no indication of two populations when fusimotor activity was suppressed.
6. Following the injection of suxamethonium, however, units fell into two groups according to their dynamic index. Their behaviour resembled that described for primary and secondary spindle afferents. In data pooled from all of the jaw‐closing muscles there were approximately equal numbers of units in each group.