Today the actual direction of Scientific Research is the search for effective and efficient drugs against Coronavirus Disease, as well as the development and testing of applied Methods, Pedagogical Models (Technologies) of Physical Therapy for women with Higher Education after treatment of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
The main Purpose of the Scientific Research is an Experimental test of the effectiveness of the author's Method of Physical Therapy for women with higher education after treatment of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19). During the Experimental work, members of the Research Group used the following Research Methods: abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, mathematical and statistical (correlation analysis, factor analysis, scaling) тощо.
As a Result of Empirical Research, members of the Research Group developed and tested the author's Method of Physical Therapy for women with Higher Education (on the example of female students of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs) after Treatment of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Prospects for Further Research in the chosen field of Scientific Research include the development of Methods for the Formation of Techniques for the application of Physical Measures by female students of Higher Education Institutions with Specific Training Conditions, which train personnel for the National Police of Ukraine in Special Physical Training using Modern Technical Means.