The EFSA ANS Panel provides a scientific opinion re-evaluating the safety of propionic acid (E 280), sodium propionate (E 281), calcium propionate (E 282) and potassium propionate (E 283) which are authorised as food additives in the EU and have been previously evaluated by the SCF and JECFA. JECFA allocated an ADI "not limited". The SCF concluded that potassium propionate could be added to the list of preservatives and established an ADI "not specified". Propionates are naturally occurring substances in the normal diet. The Panel considered that forestomach hyperplasia reported in long-term studies in rodents is not a relevant endpoint for humans because humans lack this organ. Based on the reported presence of reversible diffuse epithelial hyperplasia in the oesophagus the LOAEL for a 90-day study in dogs was considered by the Panel to be 1 % propionic acid in the diet and the NOAEL to be 0.3 % propionic acid in the diet. The Panel considered that there is no concern with respect to genotoxicity and carcinogenicity. The Panel concluded that the present database did not allow allocation of an ADI for propionic acid -propionates. The overall mean and 95 th percentile exposures to propionic acid -propionates resulting from their use as food additives (major contributor to exposure) ranged from 0.7-21.1 and 3.6-40.8 mg/kg bw/day, respectively. The Panel noted that the concentration provoking site of contact effect in the 90-day study in dogs (1 % propionic acid in the diet) is a factor of three higher than the concentration of propionic acid -propionates in food at the highest permitted level and concluded that for food as consumed, there would not be a safety concern from the maximum concentrations of propionic acid and its salts at their currently authorised uses and use levels as food additives. The JECFA allocated an acceptable daily intake (ADI) "not limited" for propionic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts considering that propionate is a normal intermediary metabolite and a normal constituent of foods (JECFA, 1974).In 1974, the SCF concluded that potassium propionate could be added to the list of preservatives permitted to be used in food (SCF, 1975). In 1990, the SCF concluded that there were no adverse health consequences to man from the present uses of propionic acid as a food additive (SCF, 1992). However, the SCF expressed the need to assess comparative studies with other short chain fatty acids and their salts. The SCF established an ADI "not specified".Currently, propionic acid -propionates (E 280-283) are authorised food additives in the EU with maximal permitted levels (MPLs) ranging from 1000 to 3000 mg/kg in foods.Propionates are naturally occurring substances in the normal diet. Propionic acid is produced by certain bacteria and occurs in various food and feed stuffs as a result of microbial production.The absorption of short chain fatty acids, including propionate, by the gastrointestinal has been studied both in rats and in humans. The absorption has been described to occ...