The 21st century has ushered in a profound transformation in the realm of education, fueled by the widespread integration of e-learning, fueled by technological advancements and the pursuit of adaptable and accessible learning modalities. As the e-learning landscape continues to evolve, a pertinent question emerges: Do conventional assessment methods align effectively with the exigencies of the digital era and the competencies imperative for thriving in the knowledge economy? This systematic literature review undertakes a comprehensive exploration of this significant question. Through a meticulous synthesis and analysis of a diverse body of existing research, this review effectively brings to light compelling evidence that underscores the pressing need for the redesign of assessment practices within the context of e-learning. In probing this multifaceted subject, the review critically examines how traditional assessment approaches may fall short in capturing the intricacies of modern-day skillsets, critical thinking proficiencies, and adaptability demanded by the swiftly evolving digital landscape. In its conclusion, this study serves as a pivotal catalyst for change, illuminating the urgency and potential benefits of reimagining assessment practices for the dynamic realm of 21st-century e-learning. Based on the findings, it provides stakeholders with prudent and actionable recommendations, empowering them to embark on a purposeful journey of redesigning assessment strategies. By proactively embracing these recommendations, educators, policymakers, and institutions can engender a learner-centric ecosystem that optimally nurtures and empowers learners for a future defined by innovation and adaptability.