The wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems, although in the Brazil that situation is worse because of an ecological approach lack in the Law of Native Vegetation Protection, what makes necessary the public power action to safeguard those systems. The present research employed an applied ecological approach (limnology, macroinvertebrates, aquatic macrophytes) for Sorocaba River and its wetlands assessment in Sorocaba-SP municipality, the land cover and its influence on limnological variables, as well as the environmental services demand supplied by the municipality wetlands. Two samples were performed during 2017, one during the rainy (February) season and other on the dry season (June). Patronized methods were employed in the present research. The organic pollution and the anthropic areas predominance are the mainly factors responsible for limnological variables alteration. Some environmental services (i.e. water provision, water flow control, erosive process control, nutrient control, water cycling, recreation fishing and biodiversity intrinsic value) provided by the studied wetlands showed a negative balance (i.e. demand superior to the provision capacity). The macrophyte species and macroinvertebrate families found are organic pollution indicators. Finally, stand out the strategic action contribution and the municipality governance role for wetlands ecosystem management.