Summary:The initial extraction (E) across the blood brain barrier (BBB) of [99mTc]-d,I-HM-PAO after intra carotid injection was measured in 14 Wistar rats and 6 patients using the double indicator, single injection method with Na-24 as the cotracer. In both series, cere bral blood flow (CBF) was measured using the initial slope of the xenon-133 washout curve after intracarotid bolus injection. In rats, bolus size (20 or 120 ILl), bolus type (saline or 10% albumin), or CBF were changed. First-pass extraction was dependent on CBF (p < 0.001): With a small bolus of saline and at resting CBF (0.75 mUg/min), E was 0.81, decreasing to 0.56 at a high CBF (1.5 ml/g/min). The calculated permeability surface area product (PS) increased linearly from 1.2 to 1.5 ml/g/min when CBF increased from 0.8 to 1.5 ml/g/min (p < 0.01).E was found to increase when the bolus volume of saline d,l-Hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (d,l HM-PAO) chelated with technetium-99m has been developed as a tracer for measuring regional cere bral blood flow (rCBF) distribution in humans (Neirinckx et aI., 1987; Sharp et aI., 1985). The complex e9mTc-d,I-HM-PAO) is lipophilic and dif fuses across cell membranes including the blood brain barrier (BBB) and can thus enter the brain. With a molecular weight of 384 and an octanol water partition coefficient of 80 (Andersen et aI., 1988) , it could be expected that the initial uptake is close to 100% (Hansch et aI., 1967; Fenstermacher et aI., 1984; Dischino et aI., 1983; Levin et aI., 1980). However, is the exchange of d,l-HM-PAO across the BBB sufficiently rapid at all flow levels so as to Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. A. R. Andersen at Department of Neurology, N2081, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark.
S44was increased from 20 to 120 ILl, while using a 120 ILl bolus containing 10% albumin resulted in a decrease in E. This suggests that HM-PAO binding to albumin is not totally and rapidly reversible during a single passage through brain capillaries and that binding to blood ele ments may reduce the apparent extraction across brain capillaries. In patients using a bolus of 1 ml saline, E decreased linearly with increasing CBF (r = -0.81, p < make the initial tracer uptake solely dependent on blood flow?In order to investigate some of the relevant phys iological properties of d,l-HM-PAO, we have mea sured the initial fractional uptake, the apparent ex traction (E) across the BBB, as a function of CBF in rats and in humans using the double indicator, sin gle injection method (Chinard et aI., 1955;Crone, 1963;Hertz and Paulson, 1983). With this method, the venous outflow concentrations of a diffusable test substance and of an impermeable reference substance indicate the extent of trans capillary loss that has occurred during a single passage following an intra-arterial injection of the tracers. The method also allows us to gain a qualitative assessment of HM-PAO backdiffusion (brain to blood) during the short experimental period. This phenomenon is well known for i...