The Dual QCD (DQCD) framework, based on the ideas of 't Hooft and Witten, and developed by Bill Bardeen, Jean-Marc Gérard and myself in the 1980s is not QCD, a theory of quarks and gluons, but a successful low energy approximation of it when applied to K → ππ decays and K 0 −K 0 mixing. After years of silence, starting with 2014, this framework has been further developed in order to improve the SM prediction for the ratio ε /ε, the ∆I = 1/2 rule andB K . Most importantly, this year it has been used for the calculation of all K → ππ hadronic matrix elements of BSM operators which opened the road for the general study of ε /ε in the context of the SM effective theory (SMEFT). This talk summarizes briefly the past successes of this framework and discusses recent developments which lead to a master formula for ε /ε valid in any extension of the SM. This formula should facilitate the search for new physics responsible for the ε /ε anomaly hinted by 2015 results from lattice QCD and DQCD.• The analysis of ε /ε by the RBC-UKQCD collaboration based on their lattice QCD calculation of K → ππ matrix elements [6,7], as well as the analyses performed in [8,9] that are based on the same matrix elements but also include isospin breaking effects, find ε /ε in the ballpark of (1 − 2) × 10 −4 . This is by one order of magnitude below the data, but with an error in the ballpark of 5 × 10 −4 . Consequently, based on these analyses, one can talk about an ε /ε anomaly of at most 3σ.