Securing data in the cloud environment from the third party is a challenging phenomenon in today's world. Even though security algorithms exist to secure the data, they do not satisfy the basic security parameters like authentication, confidentiality, etc., because of the processing over original data. Here, the authors propose a novel method of protecting data called homomorphic encryption, in which data will be stored in the cloud in encrypted form, and with processing carried out in the encrypted form itself, it cannot be converted into the original text before processing. Similarly, in database processing, all primitive operations are carried out over the encrypted data, so the security level can be improved while even data stored in the public cloud. The implemented simple functions are insertion, deletion, update, etc., over the encrypted database stored in the cloud, by taking the considerable amount of complexity analysis. The implementations are done using the fully homomorphic encryption, and the performance analysed based on number of re-crypt functions with the basic operations.