Identification of radioactive 5a-cholest-8( 14)-ene-3p,7a-diol in extracts obtained from incubations of 3~-hydroxy-5a-[7-3H]cholest-7-ene-14a-carbaldehyde with rat liver microsomes is reported. Levels of this diol in incubations of the 1 4~-[ 3 2 -~ Hlcarbaldehyde were measured by multiple selected ion monitoring and were found to be of the same order of those of [3H]formate released from the substrate during the removal of the C-32 atom. The results demonstrate that the diol does not originate from known intermediates of cholesterol biosynthesis, i.e. 5a-cholesta-7,14-dien-3/3-ol, 5a-cholest-7-en-3P-01 and from 5a-cholest-8(24)-en-3P-ol. Functionalization at position 7 in the metabolism of 3P-hydroxy-5a-cholest-7-ene-14a-carbaldehyde suggests the direct involvement of the double bond in the elimination of the 14a-formyl group in the biosynthetic pathway from lanosterol to cholesterol. 5a-Cholest-8(14)-en-3j3-01 appears not to be involved in the metabolism of the 14a-carbaldehyde.An as-yet-unsolved problem in the biosynthesis of cholesterol is the elimination of the C-32 methyl group of lanosterol. The first approach to the elucidation of the mechanism of this biosynthetic step led in 1957 to the conclusion that the elimination occurs by the release of carbon dioxide from a 14a-carboxylic acid [l]. Results of studies from this laboratory [2,3], confirmed by others [4-61, established then that an 8,14-diene sterol is formed during the demethylation process and that the 15a-hydrogen of lanosterol is lost in the introduction of the d14 double bond into the sterol molecule [3,6-91. More recently, the intermediary role of a C-32 diol and of a 14a-carbaldehyde in the demethylation process has been demonstrated [lo-121 and mechanisms have been suggested on the basis of the isolation of [3H]formic acid from incubations of both 5a-[32-3H]lanost-7-ene-3P,32-diol and 5a-[32-3H]lanost-8-ene-3P,32-diol with rat liver microsoma1 preparations [12]. According to these mechanisms either a leaving group at the 15a position would favor the release of the C-32 atom as formate by a nucleophilic attack on the 14a-carbaldehyde, or the intermediary formation of an 0-formyl derivative might occur followed by the elimination of formate concomitant with that of the 15a-hydrogen.Based on early reported results [13] showing that C-32 demethylation does not occur with a saturated substrate, we became interested in studying the possible direct involvement of the double bond in the elimination process. Preliminary results from this work have already been presented [14] showing the presence of labelled 5a-cholest-8(14)-ene-3P,7a-diol in incubations of 3P-hydroxy-5a-[7-'H]cholest-7-ene14a-carbaldehyde with microsomes. With the aim of clarifying the origin and the biosynthetic role of the 3P,7a-dihydroxy-sterol, the amount of [3H]formate released in incubations of microsomes with 3 p -h~-droxy-5a-[32-3H]cholest-7-ene-14a-carbaldehyde and the amount of 5a-cholest-8(14)-ene-3fi,7a-diol formed, were compared. Because of the chemical instability of t...