“… 20 In our study, there were 123 (82%) patients with EV who were included, which was consistent with previously reported studies from different countries like Pakistan, India, Serbia, and Egypt. 14 , 18 , 21 , 22 In accordance with the previous study, 14 , 22 the grading of Child‐Turcotte‐Pugh, we noticed that patients with grade A were 72 (48%), which was followed by grade B (54, 36%), and grade C (24, 16%). Alempijevic et al 15 identified 22.3%, 33%, 16%, and 4.3% of the patients with grade I, II, III, and IV esophageal varices, respectively, and 24.5% of the patients with no esophageal varices with an upper GI endoscopy examination.…”