The increasing interest of young people in Indonesia towards local fashion brands is an opportunity to bring the Indonesian fashion industry to the international market, this has triggered people's desire to become a fashion designer. This fashion development has made many teenagers able to express their hobbies, one of which is on public roads in the Sudirman area, or more commonly called Citayam Fashion Week (CFW). CFW is very much a phenomenon in the middle of 2022, but of course this reaps a lot of opinions, some react positively, some even criticize, This is the area where the study needs to be done in order to examine the sentiment on Twitter and other social media, The research methodology consists of several stages, namely, data collection, praprocessing, data classification, and conclusions and suggestions the method used is naïve Bayes classifier with evaluation using a confusion matrix, with an accuracy of 84%. This research is useful for extracting opinions from Twitter social media regarding CFW with the results of more positive responses to CFW.