Background and study aims: Treatment of anastomotic leakage in reconstruction after esophagectomy remains challenging. This report presents a new endoscopic filling method for persistent fistula after conservative treatment of anastomotic leakage (PFACTAL) after anastomotic insuffiency.
Patients and methods: Ten of 14 patients with PFACTAL after esophagectomy underwent treatment with the present method in which polyglycolic acid (PGA) sheet and fibrin glue were endoscopically filled into the sight of anastomotic leakage (PAFi method) using own delivery tube and spread tube, respectively.
Results: Every patient underwent jejunostomy, out of concern for nutrition. All patients with PFACTAL were cured using the PAFi method. Mean number of applications of the PAFi method was 1.7, and the period from the first and final use of the PAFi method to the resumption of oral intake was 31.6 and 14.7 days respectively.
Conclusions: The presented filling method offers a new endoscopic approach for PFACTAL after esophagoectomy.