МЕЂУНАРОДНИ ЧАСОПИС ЗА ЕКОНОМСКУ ТЕОРИЈУ И ПРАКСУ И ДРУШТВЕНА ПИТАЊАЧасопис излази четири пута годишње ИЗДАВАЧ: Друштво економиста "Економика" Ниш СУИЗДАВАЧИ: Економски факултет у Приштини, Факултет за услужни бизнис -Сремска Каменица, Институт за економику пољопривреде -Београд, Факултет за пословне студије и право -Београд, Факултет за трговину и банкарство, Универзитет Алфа -Београд, Савез економиста Србије -Друштво економиста Ниш.
IntroductionIt is important for a financial institution to monitor the volatilities of the market variables (interest rates, exchange rates, equity prices, commodity prices, etc.) on which the value of its portfolio depends. Financial institutions are faced with various forms of risk. In order to control, manage and measure risks, they have been actively engaged in the financial risk management process. The risk management function contributes to better risk management within banks, through continuous measurement of risk of the current portfolio of financial assets and other exposures, as well as by taking steps, either directly or in cooperation with other functions of the bank, in order to reduce the possibility of loss. From the regulator's perspective, the size and the risk of the bank's assets are one of the most important determinants for defining the amount of the necessary capital of the bank.The globalization of the financial market has led to the need for the globalization of the supervision system of the financial sector. Regulatory bodies are in charge of protection of the financial system against catastrophic events, which could be source of systematic risk. In the last couple of years, the central issue of risk management is to determine the capital adequacy for financial institutions, in order to protect themselves against the market risk. The assessment of the market risk is a complex and an extremely important task for each and every credit institution. This increased focus on risk management has led to the development of various methods and tools for the risk measurement, which financial institutions are faced with.Financial risk management has truly undergone a revolution in the last couple of years, which has been intiated by the introduction of Value at Risk (hereinafter: VaR), a new method for measuring one aspect of the financial risk, the market risk. In the light of the recent financial crisis, measuring of the market risk is drawing even more attention and is becoming more and more significant. The last global, financial crisis has shown that systems for management and calculation of exposure to such risks, have significantly failed, and has therefore forced banks to take certain steps for the purpose of forming efficient internal approaches and methods for market risk management. Risk managers are attempting to revise the previous methods, given that they feel that one of the most important causes of the recent crisis is the actual poor risk management.Market risk arises primarily from the bank's trading operati...