As so ci ate Ed i tor-Tomasz Bajda We in di cate the struc tural con trols on, and pro vide an evo lu tion ary model of, mass move ments which de vel oped on the slopes of a rhyolitic lava dome built of mas sive, sub-in tru sive Perm ian rhyolites and its low-grade meta mor phic cover, compris ing Or do vi cian and Si lu rian seri cite schists and metacherts (greenschist fa cies). The phe nom ena stud ied oc cur on the low-al ti tude, dome-like Wielisławka Mt. (370 m a.s.l.) in the West ern Sudetes, SW Po land. A multidisciplinary ap proach involv ing geo log i cal and geomorphological field work, LiDAR-based geomorphometric anal y ses, as well as anal y ses based on data ob tained from ter res trial la ser scan ning (TLS), per formed within old adits and shafts in the land slide area, have al lowed de ter mi na tion of the or i gin and re cent ex tent of the land slide phe nom ena. The ge om e try and de vel op ment of the slip sur face are closely linked with mea sured, ex ist ing dis con ti nu ities within the mas sif. As they en able ob ser va tion of the ini tial stages of mass move ment in the ex ca va tions within the cover rocks of the rhyolitic mas sif, the old adits and shafts are unique ob jects for the ob ser va tion and re con struc tion of land slide pro cesses. Key words: mass move ments, brit tle de for ma tions, mag matic and meta mor phic rocks, Kaczawa Meta mor phic Com plex, Sudetes Mts., south west ern Po land.