. Despite mounting evidence that DST fails in its primary goal, some form of Daylight Saving Time is still practiced by over 1.5 billion people globally. In this paper I demonstrate that DST imposes high social costs on Americans, specifically, an increase in fatal automobile crashes. Employing four tests to differentiate between an ambient light or sleep mechanism, I show that this result is most likely due to sleep deprivation caused by the spring transition and the result implies additional costs of DST in terms of lost productivity nationwide.The procedure for DST is well characterized by the phrase "spring-forward, fall-back." Each year on the spring transition date, clocks are moved forward by one hour, from 2 am to 3 am. The process is then reversed for the fall transition with clocks "falling back" from 2 am to 1 am. This alters the relationship between clock time and solar time by an hour, moving sunlight from the morning to the evening (see Figure 1). Although the general concept of DST was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in a satirical essay in 1784 (Aldridge 1956), it was over a