Aim. This study aimed to analyze the genetic structure of Ukrainian scaled and framed carp, by examining the frequencies of allelic variants and genotypes of protein polymorphic systems.
Methods of research. The research was conducted using electrophoresis in polyacrylamide and starch gels, followed by histochemical staining. The genetic structure of the carp groups was assessed by analyzing the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of loci encoding various proteins and enzymes: transferrin (TF), albumin (ALB), esterase (EST), hemoglobin (HB), ceruloplasmin (С), amylase (AM) and purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PN). The obtained data were mathematically processed using the "BIOSYS" software.
Research results. In the scaled and framed studied carp groups, the spectra of hemoglobin, ceruloplasmin, amylase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase, which encode the corresponding enzymes were found to be monomorphic under the given conditions of electrophoretic investigation. This finding was confirmed by the data of other authors. The genetic structure of scaled and framed carp. was analyzed using the transferrin, albumin, and esterase loci.
Four allelic forms of the transferrin locus were found in the investigated stock of scaled carp: Tf A, Tf B, Tf C1 and Tf C2. The highest frequency was observed for the Tf B allelic variant (0.400), while the lowest frequency was observed for Tf A (0.050). Four allelic forms of the transferrin locus have been established in the framed carp group: Tf B, Tf C1, Tf C2 and Tf D. The allelic variant B occurred with the highest frequency (0.739), while the Tf C2 allele occurred with the lowest frequency (0.043). The analysis of the genotypes of the stock of scaled carp showed that only 5 of the 15 possible genotypes were present, among which the homozygous genotype BB occurred with the highest frequency, and it was 40%. The genotypes AA, AB, AC2, AD, BC1, BC2, BD, C1D, C2D and DD were absent. In this group of framed carp, three genotypes out of the fifteen possible variations were found namely Tf BВ, Tf С1С2 and Tf С1D. The homozygous BB genotype occurred with the highest frequency, accounting for 73.9%.
According to the esterase locus, a specific feature of both scaled and framed carp studied stocks on this farm was the absence of the SS homozygous genotype. In the studied scaled carp group, the FS heterozygous genotype had the highest frequency (65%). The Est F allele had a frequency of 0.675, while the Est S allele had a frequency of 0.261. In the electrophoretic analysis of blood plasma in framed carp, the Est F allelic variant occurred with a frequency of 0.739, while the Est S allele occurred with a frequency of 0.261. The FS heterozygous genotype in the framed carp stock had a predominant frequency of 52.2%.
At the albumin locus in both scaled and framed carp groups, two alleles, A and B, were identified, with the frequencies 0.600 and 0.400 in scaled and 0.848 and 0.152 in framed carp, respectively. Three possible genotypes of the albumin locus were identified.
According to the analysis of the correspondence of the distribution of genotypes of scaled and framed carp to the ratio according to the Hardy-Weinberg law at a significance level of 5%, it was shown that there are no deviations at the EST and ALB loci. According to the locus of transferrin in both studied scaled and framed carp stocks, the presence of a statistically significant difference in the observed distribution of the number of genotypes compared to the expected according to the Hardy-Weinberg law was established.
In the scaled carp group, the observed level of heterozygosity at the transferrin locus was lower (0.300) than expected (0.692). The level of observed heterozygosity was observed for the esterase and albumin loci, which exceeded the expected values in both cases.
In the framed carp of the studied group, the highest level of observed heterozygosity was found at the EST locus (0.522), while the lowest was observed at the TF locus (0.261). According to the ALB locus, the level of observed heterozygosity was 0.304. In contrast to the transferrin locus, the observed heterozygosity values for the esterase and albumin loci in this group exceeded the expected values.
The average values of heterozygosity for the three loci were higher in the scaled carp group (Ho = 0.517 and He = 0.545) compared to the framed group (Ho = 0.362 and He = 0.365).
Conclusions. The studied protein and enzyme systems allowed for the demonstration of the genetic structure features of scaled and framed carp farmed by Chernihivrybhosp PJSC, which were expressed in a specific set of TF allelic variants. Another peculiarity of individuals from this farm was the absence of the SS genotype at the esterase locus.