1 We investigated the eect of the p38 kinase inhibitor SB 203580 on airway in¯ammation induced by aerosolized lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in male Wistar rats. SB 203580 signi®cantly inhibited (ED 50 =15.8 mg kg
71) plasma levels of TNF-a in rats challenged with LPS (1.5 mg kg 71 , i.p.). 2 Aerosolized LPS induced a peak in TNF-a levels and the initiation of a neutrophilic response in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)¯uid at the 2 h time point. Furthermore, the 4 h time point was associated with the peak in IL-1b levels and the initial plateau of neutrophilia observed in the BAL uid. 3 SB 203580 (100 mg kg 71 ), had no eect on peak TNF-a levels or the associated neutrophilia in the BAL. Interestingly, the PDE 4 inhibitor RP 73401 (100 mg kg
71) signi®cantly reduced both TNF-a levels and neutrophilic in¯ammation. However, the BAL¯uid from rats pre-treated with either compound signi®cantly inhibited TNF-a release from cultured human monocytes 18 h after LPS treatment (83.6 and 44.5% inhibition, respectively). 4 Alternatively, SB 203580 (100 mg kg
71) produced dose-related inhibition of BAL IL-1b levels (67.5% inhibition, P50.01) and BAL neutrophilia (45.9% inhibition, P50.01) 4 h after LPS challenge. 5 P38 protein was present in lung tissue and the level of expression was not aected by LPS treatment.6 P38 kinase appears to be involved in the release of IL-1b and the sustained neutrophilic response in the BAL¯uid. This data may suggest a role for p38 inhibitors in the treatment of airway in¯ammatory diseases in which neutrophilia is a feature of the lung pathology.