Bangladesh, with a population of 151 million people, is a country that is particularly prone to natural disasters: 26% of the population are aff ected by cyclones and 70% live in fl ood-prone regions. Mortality and morbidity from these events have fallen substantially in the past 50 years, partly because of improvements in disaster management. Thousands of cyclone shelters have been built and government and civil society have mobilised strategies to provide early warning and respond quickly. Increasingly, fl ood and cyclone interventions have leveraged community resilience, and general activities for poverty reduction have integrated disaster management. Furthermore, overall population health has improved greatly on the basis of successful public health activities, which has helped to mitigate the eff ect of natural disasters. Challenges to the maintenance and reduction of the eff ect of cyclones and fl oods include rapid urbanisation and the growing eff ect of global warming. Although the eff ects of earthquakes are unknown, some eff orts to prepare for this type of event are underway.