An isolated 5.2-kb fragment of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 DNA was found to contain a gene cluster involved in methylamine utilization. Analysis of polypeptides synthesized in an Escherichia coli T7 expression system showed that five genes were present. Two of the genes encoded the large and small subunits of methylamine dehydrogenase, and a third encoded amicyanin, the presumed electron acceptor for methylamine dehydrogenase, but the function of the other two genes is not known. The order on the 5.2-kb fragment was found to be large-subunit gene, the two genes of unknown function, small-subunit gene, amicyanin gene. The gene for azurin, another possible electron acceptor in methylamine oxidation, does not appear to be present within this cluster of methylamine utilization genes.Gram-negative bacteria of diverse systematic groups are able to utilize methylamine as a carbon, energy, and nitrogen source. These groups include facultative autotrophs such as Paracoccus denitrificans (25) (45,56), and all nonpigmented "Pseudomonas" strains (5,7,24,32).Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 utilizes methylamine via MADH (18). The enzyme consists of two large and two small (14-kDa) subunits (51), with a cofactor covalently bound to the small subunit. MADHs from other methylotrophic bacteria have a similar structure (23, 27, 42, 51), except the MADH from Methylobacillus flagellatum KT, which is a heterodimer (30). Amino acid (28) and nucleotide (14) sequences of the small subunit of MADH from M. extorquens AM1 have been published. Recent evidence has shown that the MADH cofactor has a unique structure, having two tryptophans within the polypeptide chain that are modified and covalently linked (14). A novel structure has been proposed for this cofactor (43).The copper-containing protein amicyanin is proposed to be the natural electron acceptor for MADH (17,25,34,35,54,55,57,58 Another copper-containing protein, azurin, has been found in M. extorquens AML. It accepts electrons in vitro from amicyanin, cytochrome CL, or cytochrome CH and transfers them to a terminal oxidase (54). However, it is induced only in the presence of high concentrations of copper in the growth medium. Azurin is also induced by high copper concentrations in M. flagellatum KT (17), "Methylomonas" strain J (54), and P. denitrificans (40).Although the first step of methylamine oxidation has been well studied biochemically, little is known about the organization of genes involved in methylamine metabolism. Recently, we reported the cloning and sequencing of the genes for the small subunit of MADH (14)