“…In a similar way, a range of terms are used to describe cities, their roles and functions. Terminologies encountered in the literature include: age-friendly cities (WHO, 2007), child friendly cities (Nour, 2013;Osborne et al, 2013), creative cities (Florida, 2002;Hospers & van Dalm, 2005;Landry, 2000;Suet Leng & Badarulzaman, 2014;UNESCO, 2013 ), digital cities (Cocchia, 2014;Komninos, 2008;Stock, 2011;Yovanof & Hazapis, 2009), green cities (OECD, 2006), informational cities (Borja & Castells, 1997;Castells, 1989Castells, , 1991 intelligent cities (Cocchia, 2014;Komninos, 2006Komninos, , 2008, knowledge cities (Carrillo, 2006;Ergazakis et al, 2006;Yigitcanlar et al, 2014), learning cities (Biao et al, 2013;OECD, 1999;Osborne et al, 2013;Preisinger-Kleine, 2013), resilient cities (UNISDR, 2014), smart cities (Batagan, 2011;Cagliu, Del Bo & Nijkamp, 2011;Cocchia, 2014;Dameri, 2013;Hall, 2000;IBM, 2010;Setis-Eu, 2012;Su et al, 2011), sustainable cities (UN-HABITAT, 2010) and wired cities (Holland, 2008).…”