The three-dimensional structure of a coniferous shoot gives rise to multiple scattering of light between the needles of the shoot, causing the shoot spectral reflectance to differ from that of a flat leaf. Forest reflectance models based on the radiative transfer equation handle shoot level clumping by correcting the radiation attenuation coefficient with a clumping index. The clumping index causes a reduction in the interception of radiation by the canopy at a fixed leaf area index (LAI). In this study, we show how within-shoot multiple scattering is related to shoot scale clumping and derive a similar, but wavelength dependent, correction to the scattering coefficient. The results provide a method for integrating shoot structure into current radiative transfer equation based forest reflectance models. The method was applied to explore the effect of shoot scale clumping on canopy spectral reflectance using simple model canopies with a homogeneous higher level structure. The clumping of needles into shoots caused a wavelength dependent reduction in canopy reflectance, as compared to that of a leaf canopy with similar interception. This is proposed to be one reason why coniferous and broad-leaved canopies occupy different regions in the spectral space and exhibit different dependency of spectral vegetation indices on LAI. D