Interestingly, E-cadherin also anchors Langerhans cells to keratinocytes, regulating its tolerogenic differentiation. A dysfunction of this mechanism could induce autoimmune/inflammatory disease (8), an effect in accordance with our observation of concentration of association among patients presenting autoimmune comorbidities.Some aspects of our findings are intriguing: no association was observed between vitiligo and the CDH1 locus in genomewide association studies (GWAS) (References S4-S6), probably due to the use of highly stringent statistical corrections for multiple tests in GWAS that could result in missing of true association (Reference S7). The lack of association between vitiligo and IL1B polymorphisms is somewhat unexpected, given a recent study showing association between vitiligo progression and marker rs16944 of IL1B (9); the use of a distinct phenotype could explain the absence of replication in our population.Defective melanocyte adhesion may impact on the pathogenesis of vitiligo (1-3, Reference S8) through distinct mechanisms. Previous studies have suggested a role of nitric oxide in regulating cell adhesion in cultured melanocytes; in addition, the effect of adhesion molecules in immunogenic cells has also been described (8, References S9, S10). A dysfunctional E-cadherin could result in morphologic and functional impaired melanocytes, as well as a lower threshold of immune tolerance that, in the presence of oxidative or mechanical stress, could result in loss of melanocytes. Here, we reinforce the adhesion hypothesis for vitiligo pathogenesis by reporting association between the disease and a CDH1 polymorphism, an effect particularly evident in the presence of autoimmune comorbidity.
Author contributionRGT, CCSC, LMN and MTM designed the research study; RGT, LMN and MTM performed the research; RGT and MTM analysed the data; RGT and MTM wrote the manuscript.
FundingThis study was supported in part by the Pontif ıcia Universidade Cat olica do Paran a (PUCPR) and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient ıfico e Tecnol ogico (CNPq). The Mira Laboratory is supported by CNPq (process number: 303621/2011-7 Grant call: PQ -2011, Produtividade em Pesquisa)
Conflict of interestsThe authors have declared no conflicting interests.
Supporting InformationAdditional supporting data may be found in the supplementary information of this article. Supporting Information References S1-S10.