Alcohol dysregulates the regulation of reproductive vascular adaptations. We herein investigated chronic binge-like alcohol effects on umbilical endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) multi-site phosphorylation and related redox switches under basal (unstimulated) and stimulated (with ATP) states. Alcohol decreased endothelial excitatory Pser1177eNOS (P<0.001), whereas excitatory Pser635eNOS exhibited a main effect of alcohol (↓P=0.016) and ATP (↑P<0.001). Alcohol decreased Pthr495eNOS (P=0.004) levels, whereas inhibitory Pser116eNOS exhibited an alcohol main effect in both basal and stimulated states (↑P=0.005). Total eNOS was reduced by alcohol (P=0.038). In presence of ATP, alcohol inhibited ERK activity (P=0.002), whereas AKT exhibited no alcohol effect. Alcohol main effect on S-nitroso-glutathione reductase (↓P=0.031) and glutathione-S-transferase (↓P=0.027) were noted. Increased protein glutathiolation was noted, whereas no alcohol effect on GSH, GSSG, NOX2 or SOD expression was noted. Thus, alcohol effects on multi-site post-translational modifications and redox switches related to vasodilatory eNOS underscore the necessity for investigating alcohol-induced gestational vascular dysfunction.