We investigate the entanglement dynamics of a system comprising a pair of two-leveldipole-dipole interacting atoms coupled to a microtoroidal resonator. Each atom is individuallycoupled with the two counter-propagating whispering gallery modes of the resonator through theirevanescent fields. The atom-atom entanglement shown for several parameter sets of the system wasobtained using the negativity. For ideal resonators, it is seen that the entanglement is correlated tothe dipole-dipole interaction and the average number of photons when the modes of the resonatorare prepared in a thermal state even at high temperatures. Further, for the non-ideal resonator case,where there is a small structural deformation of the microtoroidal structure that allows a directcoupling between the modes, a counter-intuitive result is presented. The imperfections also offerthe advantage of generating maximally entangled states for a two-atom subsystem with maximumfidelity.