row: photography of vessels in a cornea (false colours); computer elaboration of the vessels; HE histology of cornea with vessels and inflammatory cells; middle row: vessels and inflammatory cells seen with IVCM; lower row: HUVEC cells stained for VEGF; immunofluorescence of neovascularized cornea stained for CD31 and NFκB. Other illustrations in the thesis by Anthony Mukwaya, Per Lagman, Pierfrancesco Mirabelli. This thesis contains original material, and material reprinted from previously published work, published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License), which allows for maximum dissemination and re-use of open access materials. IKE, Linköping university iv v …Instruction, and not silver; and Knowledge rather than choice gold. For Wisdom is better than rubies… (Proverbs 8: 10-11) vi vii ABSTRACT Pathologic angiogenesis is involved in cancer and several blinding conditions such as wet age-related macular degeneration, proliferative retinopathies and corneal neovascularization. In these dieseases, the angiogenic triggers are hypoxia and inflammation, and both involve the main angiogenic mediator, which is Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Among available treatments, anti-VEGF often shows limited or temporary efficacy, while steroids are potentially responsible for many side-effects. This thesis presents a series of linked studies aimed at elucidating the early pathologic changes leading to inflammation and corneal neovascularization, and how various treatments affect this process. In this thesis, xii xiii LIST OF PUBLICATIONS INCLUDED IN THE THESIS PAPER I Early effects of dexamethasone and anti-VEGF therapy in an inflammatory corneal neovascularization model. Mirabelli P, Peebo BB, Xeroudaki M, Koulikovska M, Lagali N. Exp Eye Res.