Abridged title: Endometrial gene expression and metabolic parameters in subfertile beef heifers.
AbstractThe objective of this study was to compare the hormonal, metabolic characteristics and endometrial gene expression profiles in beef heifers yielding either a viable or a degenerate embryo on Day 7 after insemination as a means to explain differences in embryo survival.Oestrus was synchronised in cross bred beef heifers (n=145) using a CIDR-prostaglandin protocol and heifers (n=102) detected in standing oestrus (within 24-48 h post CIDR removal) were inseminated 12-18 h after detection of oestrus (Day 0) with frozen-thawed semen from a single ejaculate of a bull with proven fertility. Blood samples were collected from Day 4 to Day 7 post oestrus to measure progesterone (on Days 4, 5 and 7), insulin and IGF-I (on Days 4 and 6) and urea concentrations (on Day 7). All animals were slaughtered on Day 7. Uterine pH was also determined. Animals from which an embryo was recovered were classified as either having a viable embryo (morula/blastocyst stage); n=32, or a retarded embryo (arrested at 2-to 16-cell stage); n=19. The overall recovery rate was 64%. There was no significant difference in blood parameters measured or uterine pH at slaughter between the heifers with either a viable or retarded embryo. The relative abundance of 9 transcripts out of 53 tested from the endometrial tissue was different between heifers with a viable embryo or retarded embryo: MOGAT1, PFKB2, LYZ2, SVS8, UHRF1, PTGES, AGPAT4, DGKA and HGPD. Both LYZ2 and UHRF1 are associated with regulation of the immune system. PFKFB2 is a mediator in glycolysis and MOGAT, AGPAT4 and DGKA belong to the triglyceride synthesis pathway. PTGES and HGPD belong to the prostaglandin pathway.Both of these metabolic pathways are important for early embryonic development. In conclusion, retarded embryo development in this study was not related to serum progesterone, IGF-I, insulin or urea concentrations nor to uterine pH at slaughter. However, altered expression of genes involved in the prostaglandin and triglyceride pathways, as well as 2 genes that are closely associated with the regulation of immunity in the endometrium may indicate a uterine component to the retardation of the embryos in these beef heifers.