We assessed the effect of 1,3-butanediol on cerebral energy metabolism and edema after inducing multifocal brain infarcts in 108 rats by the intracarotid injection of 50-jim carbonized microspheres. An ethanol dimer that induces systemic ketosis, 25 mmol/kg i.p. butanediol was injected every 3 hours to produce a sustained increase in the plasma level of 0-hydroxybutyrate. Treatment significantly attenuated ischemia-induced metabolic changes by increasing the concentrations of phosphocreatine, adenosine triphosphate, and glycogen and by reducing the concentrations of pyruvate and lactate. Lactate concentration 2, 6, and 12 hours after embolization decreased by 13%, 44%, and 46%, respectively. Brain water content increased from 78.63% in six unembolized rats to 80.93% in 12 saline-treated and 79.57% in seven butanedioltreated rats 12 hours after embolization. (p<0.05). The decrease in water content was associated with significant decreases in the concentrations of sodium and chloride. The antiedema effect of butanediol could not be explained by an osmotic mechanism since equimolar doses of urea or ethanol were ineffective. Our results support the hypothesis that the beneficial effect of butanediol is mediated through cerebral utilization of ketone bodies arising from butanediol metabolism, reducing the rate of glycolysis and the deleterious accumulation of lactic acid during ischemia. (Stroke 1990;21:1458-1463) P revious studies have shown that treatment with 1,3-butanediol, an ethanol dimer (CH 3 -CHOH-CH r CH 2 OH), has beneficial effects in models of hypoxia and ischemia. Butanediol prolongs the survival time in mice exposed to 4-5% (V; it extends the time to isoelectric electroencephalogram and reduces the neurologic deficit in ischemichypoxic Levine rats 2 -3 ; and it attenuates neurologic deficit, histologic damage, and cerebral metabolic alterations induced by four-vessel occlusion in rats. 4 -5 Butanediol is converted in the body to /3-hydroxyburyrate, 6 and it has been proposed 1 that damage is attenuated through a cerebral protective effect mediated by ketone metabolism.We examined the effect of butanediol in a rat model of multifocal brain infarction produced by the intracarotid injection of calibrated microspheres. 7 We studied the effect of butanediol over 12 hours by measuring cerebral energy metabolism and edema. In addition, to test whether a direct effect or an osmotic effect contributed to the beneficial action of Received February 19, 1990; accepted June 12, 1990. butanediol, we compared its effect with those of ethanol and urea administered at equimolar doses.
Materials and MethodsWe performed experiments on 154 male SpragueDawley rats weighing 280-320 g that were allowed free access to water and food.Cerebral microembolism was produced in 108 rats under ether anesthesia by injecting approximately 4,000 carbonized microspheres 50 /im in diameter labeled with strontium-85 and suspended in 20% polyvinylpyrrolidone (3M, Minneapolis) into the left internal carotid artery as previously descr...