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www.econstor.euThis paper presents preliminary fi ndings and is being distributed to economists and other interested readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments.
AbstractCountries' concerns about the value of their currency have been studied and documented extensively in the literature. Capital controls can be-and often are-used as a tool to manage exchange rate fl uctuations. This paper investigates whether countries can benefi t from using such a tool. We develop a welfare-based analysis of whether (or, in fact, how) countries should tax international borrowing. Our results suggest that restricting international capital fl ows through the use of these taxes can be benefi cial for individual countries, although it would limit cross-border pooling of risk. The reason is because, while consumption risk-pooling is important, individual countries also care about domestic output fl uctuations. Moreover, the results show that countries decide to restrict the international fl ow of capital exactly when this fl ow is crucial to ensure cross-border risk sharing. Our fi ndings point to the possibility of costly "capital control wars" and thus to signifi cant gains from international policy coordination.